
Welcome to the Writer's Place

Here you will be able to read short stories or poems sent by our visitors. If you would like your story or poem to be published here, do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: info@polseguera.com. Please do not use Hotmail accounts, or you will receive no reply.

Unless you say otherwise, your e-mail address will also be added so that those who wish to comment on your story or poem can contact you. Furthermore, we will place a link to your site at the bottom of your submission(s), if you like.

We are glad to inform you that we have launched a new section, which replaces this one. You can find it at The Writer's Place.

Those who wish to have their pieces of writing moved to the new section only have to write. Please note that we will not reply to any email message sent via a Hotmail account.

Thank you

Pieces of writing and poems:

A Battle of Christmas (Abbie Kemmerer; e-mail: eternal_readersg@yahoo.com)

There at Top of Torture- Pillows, Monster in the Upstart, The Alluvium Bed, Prothalamion (Ray Succre; e-mail: raysuccre@hotmail.com)

The President, Changes, Blue Boy and the Snake, Close Encounter (Mariam Greenwood; e-mail: mgreen@nova.edu)

Think (Vinay Arya; e-mail: vinayarya_1985@yahoo.co.in)

Item Stairs, Faded Photograph, Forgotten Dream, Purposes Heart, Warning Shot, Sri Lanka, On Ourselves, Good Wish, Unloved World, Time Again (Bryon D. Howell; e-mail: ctsfinestpoet@yahoo.com)

The Snake Killer (Anna Oh; e-mail: pens_vs_swords@yahoo.com)

True Friend, “Saadak” Misfortune, Impassive Orb, Why Not You?, Primordial River, Pitiable Terrain (Ashish Jain @ Tiloc Chand; e-mail: SO_ODD15@YAHOO.CA)

The Gift (Jim Knott; e-mail: ok90@earthlink.net)

My Thoughts (Hartley Family; e-mail: hartley@dedac.com)

The life of a Woman Named Jackie (Jacqueline Tukes; e-mail: JYdiamond@yahoo.com)

...She Is The Crown Of Wisdom (Daniel Gallik; e-mail: sixgalliks@alltel.net)

Babies Sorrow, Broken Doll, Soul Screams, What We Do, The World, Your World, I Belong, Murder... (Bryony Oldfield; e-mail: bryonyoldfield@yahoo.com)

Hour of Illusion, Breakfast in Bed, Hands... Magic, Dreaming Swimmer, Sun (Srinjay Chakravarti; e-mail: srinjchak@hotmail.com)

My Sky (Linda; e-mail: jelibow@tinyworld.co.uk)

Solitary Grave (Mikel Hanson; e-mail: hmikel@uswest.net)

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