
Welcome to the Writer's Place: The Item on the Stairs

An item just appeared upon the stairs -

a leather bag as black as evil is.

Perhaps a doctor dropped his precious cares?

Did it belong to some computer whiz?

A crowd had gathered nervously that morn.

Oh, what a mystery or so it seemed!

Throughout the office fear replaced all scorn -

it hit them fast, this wasn't just some dream!

The men arrived with bags all of their own -

and floor by floor the dogs were briskly filed.

Who knew one leather bag which sat alone

could cause so much concern for twenty miles?

Goodbye you heroes, later everyone!

BOOM! My friends, that wasn't just a gun.

Bryon D. Howell (ctsfinestpoet@yahoo.com)

7th March, 2007

Poems by Bryon D. Howell:

www.polseguera.com - © Polseguera. All rights reserved
