
Welcome to the Writer's Place: The life of a Woman Named Jackie

Here I am a 39 –year- old black woman in which life has not been easy. As she looks back over her life she sits and wonder. How did she make it? No this black woman did not make it on her own. Only God could bring her through. Through the tears through the sleepless night, through not knowing if I could face tomorrow. Tomorrow that is a very large and powerful word. It is powerful when you cannot make it from minute to minute.

I say this black woman has not had it easy. People say if you need me I will be there. The mouth says one thing and their hearts are saying I don’t want to be bothered.

As this black woman fell there was no one to be found. Not brother, father, husband not even a friend. There was someone always there. God was always there. When I fell and couldn’t see my way and not knowing if I was going to see tomorrow. My God say me through. For God’s grace and mercy brought me out. The doctors said she was not going to live not for the night and if she did she would be brain dead. No that was not God's plans. He had better plans for my life. After seven days in a coma, this woman came out of it .How amazed were the doctors to see, she made it. Not dead or brain dead.

From that day on I have been walking with the Lord. The road is not always easy. I still have to cry sometime but no matter what comes my way I know that my God will never leave my side. He did not bring me this far to leave me. To him I owe my all, my life, my everything. I could not make it without him in my life. That is a story of one lady's life. This is my life story a true story of what God can do. He did it for me; he can do it for you!!!

Jacqueline Tukes (JYdiamond@yahoo.com)

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