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English » Poems (6114 times seen)
Poems in English Pieces of writing in this category: 49
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26. Fractional DisorderGary Beck/Fractional Disorder
In the prevailing climate
of imminent destruction
of civilization,
it may no longer be
in our nature
to save ourselves
before it is too late.
I will no longer go
down to the river,
follow its flow
to the embracing sea,
stand at the ...
(0 votes) •Last Modified: 28th April, 2020 •Times seen: 1490 27. MickeyMickey Mouse is in the house,
and it's alright, it's alright, it's alright now, everything is right now,
Mickey Mouse is in the house, he's come back right now,
and he's bleeding, he's bleeding, and the lonely rose set in the middle of the sitting room,
is bleeding too, and me too.
Mickey Mouse is heartbroken,...
(0 votes) •Last Modified: 21st November, 2019 •Times seen: 1658 28. Earth LinksGary Beck/Earth Links
Independence Day
may have meant
more in the 1780’s,
liberty just won,
a new nation
not yet as corrupt,
as the old world,
new citizens hopeful
the eloquent promise
of new government
would bring freedom.
Eruptions of violence
sweep the nation
(0 votes) •Last Modified: 26th June, 2019 •Times seen: 1821 29. TransitionsGary Beck/Transitions
Do As I Say
Primitive man
didn't understand
the nature of the universe
and developed superstitions
when answers were needed
to make sense of life.
When tribes gave way
to church and state
the new leaders
promptly took charge
of ignorant fears
and substituted faith
in the ...
(8 votes) •Last Modified: 29th August, 2018 •Times seen: 2050 30. Blunt ForceGary Beck/Blunt Force
Undesired Devices
Terror hovers in the air,
as people go about
normal routines,
some concerned
with enemy threats,
some indifferent,
others oblivious
until detonations
loudly demand
they share danger.
Clumsy Giant
Now that we've left Iraq
violent disorder
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 29th August, 2018 •Times seen: 3014 31. Boogers in my noseI was in the car with my little
niece, she jiggled up and down in her
seat. She frowned as we passed by
cars on the road, I turned back to
her and asked why, and she
replied, "Boogers in my nose."
In the morning my husband is really
grumpy. He mopes around looking down
and frumpy. His voice is low and
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 29th July, 2018 •Times seen: 1852 32. Break me like a horseA gentle breaking takes time
Ironically time is what we’ve had the most of
Both time and gentleness breeds trust
A horse and his rider slowly learning to gallop together
The bit is placed in her mouth first,
Leading by example yet steadily steering
The stallion to the pasture of his dreams
I willingly bridle, likened to a mare with tru...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 2140 33. After My ShowerAfter my shower I lay on my bed
wondering why depression is visiting again
my life is on track and I'm living my fame
but somehow I'm stuck in this purple-haze
My mind starts to wander about cousin Andre'
he put a rifle in his mouth
while he was in college
then my thoughts switched to Phyliss Hyman
and how suicide took such a be...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 2042 34. The Cadman WallMy sugar walls are asking for your
bitter walls to stop blocking your heart
The Wall of China cannot compare to the magnitude of
your wall,
I declare
Walls make people fall,
ask Humpty
The fast pace of Wall street can't
describe how quickly you replace your lovers
Lovers with no faces
Germany now sings the Blues because of a wall wron...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 2029 35. Southern RealityThe stolen land of the Aborigini.....
Sri Lankan's fight for equality....
Haitian's plight of rejection.....
Colombian cocoa economy.........
Hawaiian tourist invasions....
Southern states' dialect....
Galapagos' seclusion.....
Poverty of Jamaica.....
Cuba's internal war..
Mexican corruption.
The sun shines bright in...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 1938 36. Saggin LilliesI look down and see
This anti-perky gravity
fed my baby lilly milk
baby's daddy wet my silk
Ninnies ain’t so cute no more
Poppa seeks a younger whore
belly button lodging with
hairline leading to the clit
nipples ripples no more six-pack
gray hair grows below the back
older age is approaching both of us
so don't be makin su...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 2016 37. Narrow Stygian DamselAs weight escapes my skinny frame
I over eat like it's a game
being voluptuous is so in style
but all I hear is I like your smile
your size, you hair, your eyes, your lips
but sometimes I wish I had big hips
more breast, more thighs, more hair
green eyes, lighter skin, a thicker chin
can anyone comprehend?
Bulemia is my opposing view,
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 1631 38. Re-Sto-Ra-TionRestoration is powered by grace
Faith without action is dead
Sometimes god allows us to
Make decisions that may hinder
Our progression towards our purpose
But then restoration is powered by
A will to do something great
Have a strong will and
Be a fighter
Don't be a quitter
And don't let life pass you by
An unfulfilled soul is an ...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 28th July, 2018 •Times seen: 1641 39. Too Harsh For PastelsToo Harsh For Pastels is an unpublished poetry collection that is concerned with the suffering and growing despair in our troubled society.
Diversion III
The captain reports
fuel tanks are full,
water tank topped off,
preparations made
for a day on the boat.
The chef reports
fresh caviar, lobsters,
a case of Dom Perignon.
My guests wi...
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 30th November, 2017 •Times seen: 2329 40. Mortal CoilMortal Coil is an unpublished poetry collection that grapples with the frailty of this conflicted life.
Traveler’s Cares
Perils of the deep
concern fewer and fewer
since air travel
obsoleted ships.
We go from place to place
faster, safer
then ever before,
and usually suppress
apprehension, ...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 23rd March, 2017 •Times seen: 3061 41. Virtual LivingVirtual Living is an unpublished collection vitally concerned with the growing frequency of substituting electronic interaction for physical activity.
Future War
Cyber warriors
defend the nation
from sneak attack
seated comfortably
at computer screens,
never face an enemy,
never draw blood,
will never know
(4 votes) •Last Modified: 11th July, 2016 •Times seen: 3054 42. RulersGary Beck/Contusions
Chiefs once evolved
from their ability
to provide food, security,
earning the clan's gratitude
for service to the people.
Tyrants pretended to care
until they were strong enough
to take more than their fair share,
dominating the tribe
in an exercise of po...
(74 votes) •Last Modified: 19th May, 2015 •Times seen: 3540 43. Rank Hath ItsGary Beck/Contusions
Rank Hath Its…
Many Generals were killed
in the brutal Civil War,
when leaders led from the front.
Few Generals died
on the battlefields
in succeeding wars,
having convinced themselves
and the gullible public
that they were too important
to risk their lives in combat,
(5 votes) •Last Modified: 19th May, 2015 •Times seen: 3568 44. ObituariesGary Beck/Contusions
Public housing was built
to better the condition
of the urban poor,
providing decent apartments
alternatives to tenements.
City planners didn't foresee
that along with regular people
the disaffected moved in,
dependent on welfare,
hating the hand that...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 19th May, 2015 •Times seen: 3287 45. Media FaceGary Beck/Contusions
Media Face
Crowds flock to the voting booth
supporting the candidate
they never met,
but firmly believe in,
have strong opinions about,
argue passionately for
against those with contrary views,
giving a level of trust
that no one with common sense
would ever give to a stranger.
(2 votes) •Last Modified: 19th May, 2015 •Times seen: 3542 46. In MemoriamGary Beck/Contusions
In Memoriam
Once again that fateful day
is remembered by some,
while many are forgetting,
as people always do,
the shock and urgency
of horrified reaction.
And as the buildings fell,
workers leaping from windows
rather than burning to death,
rescuers rushing in
giving thei...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 19th May, 2015 •Times seen: 3053 47. Assault on NatureAssault on Nature: Media, Cash or Charge, War on Nature, Bridge, Two Visions
Powerful light splits the night.
Cameras and crew lust the suffering
that is the entertainment of the people.
Trapped in violet despair,
the helpless victims can’t escape
the consuming dance of TV.
Cash or Charge
Bayonets are seldom put on brooms...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 24th July, 2014 •Times seen: 4994 48. Dawn in CitiesDawn in Cities: 'Effluvia', 'Tidal Sweep', 'Fruitless Search', 'Hope', 'Doomed'
Before dawn
waves break loudest on beaches
when no one suns, or fumbles under blankets.
Morning light makes little whispers
and horizons are attracted
to sand dune men
trudging the dank shore
seeking lost treas...
(3 votes) •Last Modified: 24th July, 2014 •Times seen: 5138 49. Desperate SeekerDesperate Seeker: 'Internet Yearning', 'Diminishing Voices', 'Observer', 'Protective Shield', 'Travel II'
Internet Yearning
Ms lonely heart
sits at her computer
reviewing candidates
at an on-line dating service,
each one promising
to make her happy,
most of them so clever
she cannot tel...
(2 votes) •Last Modified: 18th March, 2013 •Times seen: 3863
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