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How to contribute

Dear visitor or user,

Polseguera is a set of six websites, and most of the things we have are free: English teaching materials, virtual postcards, chat rooms, poems, short stories, and so on. This is why we need advertisers and the help of those who visit us regularly. We want to continue offering free contents to our visitors and users, but everything takes time, and time is money. To keep Polseguera online also costs money. The more visitors we have, the more resources are needed, and the more expensive it is.

We know there are people who cannot afford to pay, but others may like to make small contributions or advertise with us. If you have a website, a weblog or a social media page, we can list it permanently at Polse.org or at Polseguera.net in the most suitable category in exchange for your contribution, or as a way to say thank you.

If you study English, you may like to receive a pdf file with any of the materials listed below. If so, we can send it to you by email for the price shown in brackets. Please notice that once the contribution has been made, we will email it to you manually.
English Grammar Step by Step (twenty-five euros)

The virtual postcards are free, but we will offer some paid options in the near future. The classifieds will be rewritten from scratch and will also be free, but there will be some paid options too.

Write to us for further information: online contact form or info@polseguera.com. Please note that you cannot use Microsoft's email service, but the online contact form does not require an email address.

Help us to pay for the free services we offer

Or if you already have a Paypal account: info@polseguera.com

Thank you very much.

www.polseguera.com - © Polseguera. All rights reserved
