
Phrases with the subject Stupidity

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23 phrases found for the topic Stupidity

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Phrase: A load of (old) rubbish

Meaning: Nonsense, something silly or stupid

Banks want us to pay by credit card or mobile phone because they charge commission for every transaction, and they say that it is more secure than paying in cash, but that is a load of rubbish.

All he says is a load of old rubbish.

Date: 10-04-2021

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Phrase: As thick as two short planks

Meaning: If someone is as thick as two short planks, he or she is very stupid, slow-witted or not very intelligent.

Date: 29-11-2020

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Phrase: Be as dumb as an ox

Meaning: If someone is as dumb as an ox, he or she is stupid or not very smart.

Date: 29-11-2020

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Phrase: Give / Tell somebody a cock-and-bull story / tale

Meaning: To tell somebody an explanation that seems completely false.

My husband gave me some cock-and-bull story about (his) having a meeting with a client at 2 am.
Please tell me the truth once and for all. I do not believe any of your cock-and-bull tales. I do not want more lies.
Yesterday you told me a cock and bull story about all you had to do to get here, but the truth is that you arrive late every single day. What is your cock and bull story for today?

Date: 03-12-2017

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Phrase: Make a scene

Meaning: If you make a scene, you behave improperly in a public place or in a social gathering: everybody notices you because you are shouting, or fighting, or quarrelling...:
If you make a scene again, I will no longer go out with you. I have never felt so embarrassed in my whole life.

Date: 04-11-2017

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Phrase: Dig your own grave

Meaning: It is used to imply that you are doing something that you will regret: You are digging your own grave by having an affair with the boss's wife. You will be given the sack if he finds out.

Date: 23-09-2017

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Phrase: Stupidity is contagious

Author: Garfield

Date: 25-03-2016

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Phrase: Be out of your mind

Meaning: To be crazy or stupid:
You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to vote for the troika. I'm going to vote for freedom, and not for repression.
You must be out of your mind to set up a business with her. She was a corrupt politician.

Date: 16-07-2015

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Phrase: Lose one's shirt

Meaning: Lose everything, a lot of money.

If you continue playing poker, you will lose your shirt. You are the worst player I have ever seen.

If this business fails, I will lose my shirt.

Date: 20-02-2015

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Phrase: A fool and his money are soon parted

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Phrase: Blow it

Meaning: To spoil something: When did I start blowing it? I need her back

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Phrase: Carry / Take coals to Newcastle

Meaning: There is no need to carry coals to Newcastle, so this is unnecessary. Example: Why are you taking an apple? You are going to pick apples. You are taking coals to Newcastle.

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Phrase: Catch somebody flat-footed

Meaning: To catch someone not doing the proper thing, or not ready for something.

When the boss entered the lavatory, she caught us flat-footed. We were smoking and making jokes about her.
That exam caught me flat-footed. It was not difficult, but it came as a surprise.

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Phrase: Catch somebody in the (very) act (of doing something)

Meaning: If you catch someone in the act, you see him or her doing it.

I would have never imagined that Tom was the thief, but I caught him in the very act.
He was caught in the act of spying.

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Phrase: Catch someone red-handed

Meaning: Catch somebody in the act of doing something that he or she should not be doing.

I knew it was him, but I could not prove it until I caught him red-handed.
The robbers were caught red-handed, and taken to prison.

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Phrase: Catch someone with his or her trousers (or pants) down

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Phrase: Does a bear shit in the woods?

Meaning: Kind of a «duh question», like «Is the sky blue?» It is used when someone asks a question with an obvious answer.

Sent by Bronwyn

Email: sherpakhan@cox.net

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Phrase: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Meaning: Inexperienced people will do things that wiser or more experienced people will probably not do

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Phrase: I was not born yesterday

Meaning: Do not try to fool me. I am not so stupid

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Phrase: Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

Meaning: Spoil or ruin something beneficial or lucrative, such as a very profitable business.

We have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs by not doing anything to convince her to stay with us. She was our best asset.
Quitting your permanent job is like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs because it will leave you with no income at all, and there is a lot of unemployment.
The privatisation of public companies entails killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

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Phrase: Make a fool of oneself

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Phrase: Off your rocker

Meaning: Crazy

Sent by Kimberly

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Phrase: Pig in a poke

Meaning: A deal that is foolishly accepted without being examined

Sent by Lou Hevly

Email: lou@visca.com

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