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Internet Internet Freedom

You are in the following category: Internet Freedom
Total number of resources in this category: 7

Listings in this category:
1. Battle For The Net
Whose Side Are You On? Join the battleforthenet.com and stop Comcast, Verizon and AT&T from destroying Net Neutrality and an open Internet.
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2. Demand Progress
Demand Progress mobilizes the public to challenge entrenched power and promote freedom.
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3. Electronic Frontier Foundation. Defending your rights in the digital world
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.
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4. Fight for the Future, defending our basic rights and freedoms
Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people.
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5. Online Censorship
We offer resources, information on how to appeal different media platforms, and original research on what content is taken down, why companies make certain decisions about content, and how content takedowns are affecting communities around the world.
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6. Save your Internet
The European Union wants to impose widespread censorship on all the content you share online. The European Parliament is the only one that can save your Internet. Act now!
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7. 50 Key Stats About Freedom of the Internet Around the World
In a society that is becoming increasingly more globalized, interconnected, and internet-dependent, online freedoms have never been more important. The issue pervades region, class, gender, age, and literacy level. Hopefully, as our societies advance, the playing field will become levelled for everyone, everywhere, making internet freedom an equal right around the world.
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