Author: Gary Beck Source: Assault on Nature Assault on Nature: Media, Cash or Charge, War on Nature, Bridge, Two Visions Media Powerful light splits the night. Cameras and crew lust the suffering that is the entertainment of the people. Trapped in violet despair, the helpless victims can't escape the consuming dance of TV. Cash or Charge Bayonets are seldom put on broomsticks by housewives struggling to reach the counters of overloaded supermarkets, crammed with frozen, pre-cooked, dehydrated abundance newest and bestest guaranteed to feed your family while the rest of the world goes hungry. War on Nature Intelligence appointed us defenders of mother nature. Greed invented new ways to abuse our trusteeship. Bridge Impassable gaps and rivers once stopped man, until tired of being eaten, drowned, trapped, found a log placed well enough for passage, daringly crossed over and safely entered the promised land of engineering. Two Visions I Dawn in cities is the quietest time, before the daily sacrifices of our citizens. II Money buys immunity from responsibility with comforting ingenuity. Gary Beck Poems from 'Assault on Nature' have appeared in: The Hiss Quarterly, Nuvein Magazine, Clark Street Review, HazMat Review, Kritya Poetry Journal, Thorny Locust, Death Metal Poetry, Strange Road, decomP, The Blue House, Miller's Pond, High Altitude Poetry, MadSwirl, Bolts of Silk, New Verse News, Poetic Curfews, Enigma, Farmhouse Journal, Words Words Words, Apt Magazine, Blue Fog Journal, Juice Magazine. Sent on 17th July, 2008