Author: Miscellany


10 Interesting College Secret Societies

Education in college brings a lot of hard working on different assignments like paper writing or research work. Special writing service can help with that. Although studying in college will never be an easy process, there are pleasant things in it. For example, college societies, especially when they are secret and maintain some mystery around their activities or proceedings.


Flat Hat Club


The original F.H.C. Society, that really stood for a secret Latin phrase however is more generally referred to as the Flat Hat Club, it was the 1st collegiate society in the U.S.A, founded in 1750.  Thomas Jefferson was a member, and the club had a special secret handshake, members met to discuss some day's issues. The club disbanded in the American Revolution, and it was in that condition until the 20th century - the group came back, in a little different form. It includes 12 undergrad students and 4 professors, though the original had just 6 students. The activity of this all-male group is kept secret, although guys are assumed to be altruistic.


The Noble Noze Brotherhood


At a big Baptist university, there is bound to be people who simply are not ready to take everything so seriously. The club was founded in 1924 due to the joke that one man's nose was so huge you could even form a club around it, this club main activity is putting out the satirical Baylor paper, the name of it is The Rope,  talking about unsuspecting students as well as university officials. Some important people with serious ties to Baylor have been called "ornery" brothers, consisting of university president Ken Starr, President George W. Bush and Heisman winner Robert Griffin III.


The Machine


This group is a kind of political machine that was made up of members of the school's sororities and also fraternities who try to sway the student government elections at Alabama.


The Bullingdon Club


This group is made up of the richest and most prestigious students. That's why many go on to become successful and important in the field of British politics and business. We are talking about Prime Minister David Cameron, famous commentator David Dimbleby, and a lot of other co-called “kings”.


Skull and Bones


It is the most popular collegiate secret society. The goal of this group seems to be to invite members to high positions of power later in their life.


The Spades


A lot of acts of kindness have been attributed to The Spades, though they've also been accused of pressuring different editors of the school paper to make certain stories, that are influencing student elections, as well as hazing brand new members with firearms.


Seven Society


In case you want to enhance your chances of becoming a member of a secret society, try to attend the University of Virginia. Member's identity is strictly kept secret until he dies; then a wreath of black magnolias is shaped like a seven and supposedly placed on his grave.


Quill and Dagger


This club was founded in 1893 and it was actually the 1st Ivy League group that let women become a member in their boys' club. The secret thing is what they actually do as well as what goes on in their meetings. They gather on the top floor of a tower of campus, entry onto this floor by anyone who isn't in the group is forbidden.


Eucleian Society


This literary society keeps almost all of its members' names in secret, and the internal procedures are more thoroughly shrouded.


Cadaver Society


Members of this Cadaver Society like to have fun, however, they know that it is important to contribute to the alma mater as well. They appear after dark and wear black capes and also hoods to keep in secret who they are. On the kinder side, Cadavers have contributed money to various university endeavors, consisting of the fitness center or new stadium.


These 10 societies are the most interesting by their mysteries and maybe you will get a chance to become a member of one of it in the next year...